>Brian Kotek wrote:
>> Also, Ian, how many threads are you creating here based on the query
>> results? 10? 10,000?
>For this process 1,371.  That is my basic question at this time -- What
>are the practical limits of the <cfthread...>
>Here is my simplest test case to date.  I seems to show that there is a
>limit, but I really don't know where it might be.
><cfloop from="1" to="1500" index="i">
>    <cfthread action="run" name="th_#i#" threadID="#i#">
>        <cfset thread.foobar = threadID>
>        <cfset thread.calc = threadID * randRange(1,10)>
>    </cfthread>
><cfthread action="join" name="#structKeyList(cfThread)#" timeout="10000"/>
><cfdump var="#cfThread#" format="text" expand="no">
>This code will frequently cause hung threads that NEVER end until the
>server is restarted.

Threads should be used with caution, because each thread is going to be
taking up memory (although I'm not sure how much memory each thread uses.)
Spawning off threads like this is in rapid fire succession is a good way for
the JVM to run out of memory and once that happens, everything becomes
really unstable.

I'd try to really limit the number of threads your creating. I'd even look
at limiting things to a fixed number of worker threads. Try dividing the
work load between like 5 or 6 threads. Have each thread process it's share
of the work load (i.e. each work load would handle 1/5 of the workload--so
w/500 records, thread one would work on records 1-100, thread 2 would work
on records 101-200, etc.)


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