Hmm... this is an interesting problem.

But I am a bit confused:  what is your criteria for sorting international
names? For example, for the Janpanese names, are the actual names stored
(with Japanese characters), or just the alphabetized version of the them? If
the actual Japanese characters are used, then how do they rate in order
compared to the 26 English alphabets?

For example, my name, "Qing Xia" is the alphabetized version of my "real"
Chinese name.  Which, is easy enough to sort as that.  But I can't imagine
what criteria would be involved in order to sort the real Chinese characters

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Vince Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A colleague sent me an email with an interesting problem and therefore I
> have a challenge for all you who have experience with Internationalized
> web application development.
> There is an employee table which contains the first and last name of
> international employees.  This means that it is common to see Japanese,
> Dutch, French, Russian, Indian and American names and growing...Lots of
> special characters that when sorted put any name with special characters
> at the bottom of the list.
> I know that you could probably sort a field by first assigning a
> collation such as the following:
> select lastName, firstName
> from tableName
> order by lastName COLLATE Dutch_AI_CI, firstName COLLATE Dutch_AI_CI
> The of course would be fine if all the employees where Dutch but they
> aren't.
> The goal is to provide a simple directory of names.  The table is SQL
> Server 2000 and the language is CF8 running on Windows Server 2003
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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