Hi Dave! Thanks for responding. There is no NULL value in the country table and 
in the source code, United States is 'selected' but its not selected on the 
page. I am not getting why its happening. Please guide me if you know the 

>Have you looked at your 'view source' code to see if 'selected' is every
>being generated?  
>Are there any records in your table that have an empty cty_iso2 column?
>  <td>Country</td>
>  <td>   
>   <select name="addr_country">
>    <cfoutput query="getCountries">
>     <option value="#getCountries.cty_iso2#" <cfif variables.addr_country eq
>getCountries.cty_iso2>selected<cfelseif not
>len(trim(variables.addr_country)) and getCountries.cty_iso2 eq
>'US'>selected</cfif>>#getCountries.cty_name#</option>    </cfoutput>   
>   </select>
>  </td>
>and I am using this query 
><cfquery name="getCountries" datasource="country table">
>   SELECT  cty_iso2, cty_name   
>   FROM    ref_countries   
>   ORDER BY   cty_name 
>but unfortunately, the correct country is not getting selected. If a country
>value is there, I want it to be selected, if nothing is there, I want United
>States as default. The column cty_iso2 has two letter code for the country
>like 'US' and cty_name contains the whole name like United States of
>America. I am not able to pin point what's wrong with this code. Also, I
>convert all the form fields values into variables scope before the start of
>the page. Please help. Thanks for help in advance. 

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