I noticed that after I hit the 'send' button. I had a <cfif> to check if there 
were actual records before running the statement. I didn't think I needed to 
show all that, so I took it out, but left the stray end code. 
The code works well. I haven't tested it at a lot of values though. This will 
not have the same issue once their are like 100 records in the getActiveWorks 
query. Right?
~David G. Moore, Jr.> Subject: RE: Query Too Complex for Access?> From: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> To: cf-talk@houseoffusion.com> Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 15:18:11 
-0500> > Acutally, the first part is correct. The listQualify() function 
actually> just places 'single quotes' around each of the values in your 
valuelist> since that would be required by the DB.> > List qualify doesn't 
check any variables.> > I noticed you had a stray </cfif> tag. Were you missing 
a <cfif> condition> as you only wanted to compare against 'some' of the records 
in> getActiveWorks? If so, send your CFIF statement as we'll have to modify> 
what I sent you earlier.> > Dave> > -----Original Message-----> From: David 
Moore, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 1:37 
PM> To: CF-Talk> Subject: RE: Query Too Complex for Access?> > No I haven't. > 
> What you are saying is that I should use valueList to build a full list from> 
all values in the getActiveWorks query and then listQualify to see if any> 
variable matches.> > Thanks David! I will give it a shot. > > Does anyone else 
know of any other ways?> > David G. Moore, Jr.> UpstateWeb. LLC> Subject: RE: 
Query Too Complex for Access?> From:> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
cf-talk@houseoffusion.com> Date: Wed,> 20 Aug 2008 13:27:34 -0500> > Have you 
tried:> > AND Works.ThisInventory not> in> 
(#listQualify(valueList(getActiveWorks.ThisReference),"'")#)> > ??> >> Dave> 
-----Original Message-----> From: David Moore> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > 
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 1:18 PM>> To: CF-Talk> Subject: Query Too 
Complex for Access?> > I know I am setting> myself up for another "Query too 
complex" issue, so> before I start I> thought I would ask for suggestions. I 
run into this when I> have to> reference two different Access databases that 
are Client imposed> (don't> ask). Basically, I have to use one for active data 
and one to show>> available date (minus the active data). This is, of coures, 
where the>> problem comes in. The queries will help:> > <cfquery 
name="getActiveWorks"> datasource="#DSN#">> SELECT * > FROM Works > WHERE 
Works.PageReference => #FORM.ThisPage#> AND Works.TypeReference = 
'#FORM.ThisType#'> </cfquery>> >> <cfquery name="getWorks" 
datasource="#DSN2#">> SELECT *> FROM Works, Artists> > WHERE 
Artists.ArtistNumber = Works.ArtistNumber> AND Works.Type => '#FORM.ThisType#'> 
<cfloop query="getActiveWorks">> AND Works.ThisInventory> <> 
'#getActiveWorks.ThisReference#'> </cfloop></cfif>> ORDER BY Works.Title> Asc> 
</cfquery>> > Where the cfloop is is where the problem is going to come> into 
play when the> "Active Works" get to a certain level and the Query> becomes 
"Too Complex".> What is the Best way to handle this? > > I am using> CF8, 
Windows Server 2003, and MS Access w/Unicode ODBC Connector.> > > > > > > > 

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