How about something like this:

<cfquery name="qryGetOtherProperties" datasource="#appDSN#">
SELECT f.AssetID,, i.text, i.amount
FROM FixedAssets f
INNER JOIN InvoicesWork i ON i.AssetID = f.AssetID
WHERE f.JobID = "#qryGetInvoice.JobID#"
AND f.AssetID IN (select AssetID FROM InvoiceWork WHERE .... condition to
get assets from InvoiceWork that you want )
AND f.AssetID NOT IN (select AssetID FROM InvoiceWork WHERE .... condition
to get assets from InvoiceWork that you DO NOT want )

I'm guessing on a few things here, but if you list out your table and
columns that we're talking about here and confirm the conditions, I'm sure
you could get this all in one query instead of using QofQ (unless of course
you're talking about different datasources, which it doesn't look like you

Dave Phillips

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Whone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 3:47 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: query of queries or something else

If a qry a couple of tables:

<!---get Job Property details --->
<CFQUERY Name="qryGetJobProperties" datasource="#appDSN#">
SELECT AssetID, Name
FROM FixedAssets
WHERE FixedAssets.JobID="#qryGetInvoice.JobID#" 
<cfset PropertyFieldID = ValueList(qryGetJobProperties.AssetID)>

<!---get invoice Property details --->
<CFQUERY Name="qryGetInvoiceProperties" datasource="#appDSN#">
SELECT AssetID, Text, Amount
FROM InvoicesWork
WHERE InvoiceID="#qryGetInvoice.InvoiceID#"

I now need a query that will extract any Asset from the Table FixedAssets
that is included in qryGetJobProperties but not in qryGetInvoiceProperties
so that I can display it in a dynamic form.

Something like this;
<CFQUERY Name="qryGetOtherProperties" dbtype="query">
SELECT qryGetJobProperties.AssetID,
FROM qryGetJobProperties, qryGetInvoiceProperties
WHERE  qryGetInvoiceProperties.AssetID != qryGetJobProperties.AssetID

I have also tried Nested Loops and Unions but am really struggling,
everything I try doesn't seem to make sense. I could mess about with an
array but is there really any need? 

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