Hi All,

Have run across a VERY STRANGE behaviour in CF 8.01 / mySQL 5.0

I've got a code snippet to modify vaules in an enum field in our database.
<cfset my_new_list ="'A','B','C','D'">
<cfquery datasource="#APPLICATION.dsn#" name="test">
        ALTER TABLE the_table MODIFY the_field ENUM(#my_new_list#) NOT NULL;    

Results in an CF/mySQL error... for SOME reason my_new_list when inside the 
<cfquery> gets transformed to
"A","B","C","D".. which mySQL does not like.

I have found that if use:
<cfset my_new_list = "A,B,C,D">

ALTER TABLE the_table MODIFY the_field 
ENUM('#ListChangeDelims(my_new_list,"','")#') NOT NULL;

Things work...

Anyone have a reason why the first does not work.. and I hope this saves 
someone some grief!



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