And before someone gets pedantic on me, I mean it is always going to be
impossible in its current form, which is allowing arbitrary server-supplied
JavaScript to modify the field value. Someone may well come up with some
kind of authentication or authorization system where one can set different
levels of access for trusted servers or something, but that's going in a
different direction.

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 2:13 PM, Brian Kotek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No one is saying it can't be changed or added. The point is that it is not
> possible now, which was the root question being asked in this thread.
> Talking about what "might be added" in the future seems relatively pointless
> as far as giving an answer to the posed question. In fact, we're already far
> from the original question, which was actually about pre-populating file
> input fields. And going back to that, regardless of what the browser makers
> add in the future, this is always going to be impossible because there are
> just too many security issues associated with it.
> At this point we're just going into speculation or wish lists, which is
> fine, but probably going well off topic for this thread.
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 1:33 PM, Rick Faircloth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> Agreed...
>> If limitations can be placed on uploading a single file and
>> maintain an acceptable level of security, then the same should
>> be true for a folder of files.
>> And just because they can't now, doesn't they shouldn't be changed to do
>> so.

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