On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 8:17 AM, Rick Faircloth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Trying the cfexecute this way didn't work, either:
> <cfexecute
>     name="c:\windows\systems32\cmd.exe"
>     arguments="/c e:\adobe_site\getfiles.bat"
>     timeout="30">
>     </cfexecute>

I'm guessing the context of the cfexecute is some other directory than
what you actually want it to be.  Change your directory in your batch
file with:

cd c:\adobe_site

That way it can find the ftp command file.  Alternatively, you can put
in the full path to the ftp command file:

ftp -s:c:\adobe_site\getfiles.txt

and within that command file you could change your the local directory
to wherever you want the files dumped:

lcd c:\somedirectorywhereiwantthefiles\

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