On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 4:12 PM, Beru wrote:
> Denstar, I might be interested in this "subethasmtp", how do you use it? So
> if this is not a real smtp daemon, I guess you can define it as your mail
> server in CF admin, but what happens to your mail once submitted to
> subethasmtp?

The link James posted was for the thing I'm using, it's pretty swell.

It does act like a daemon, and you can define it as your mailserver within CF.

It's better to have the mail code abstracted, so you can easily change
mail servers and ports and things, but in a pinch, it will work for
what you're after.  Reassign the CF mail server to use localhost and
the port you run subethasmtp on, and viola.

I kludged together some stuff to dump the messages (and other
things... clear the "cache" if you will, and whatnot), and then
slapped it into the dojo mail demo, so basically it's a little webmail
deal that lists the mail that /would/ have been sent, and to who,
etc.. You'd need dojo for the ui stuff, tho.

I've only used it for my own stuff, and just for fun, so, no
warranties, etc., but you're welcome to check it out.

( http://tinyurl.com/3wsgf3 )

If you're serious about using it, you'd probably want to use it as a
servlet, as even sticking certain java stuff in the server scope
doesn't seem to really make it hang around.

It's worked good enough for me to do mail testing locally tho, so,
well, there you go.  Force be with you, etc..


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