Technically you could just use form and not cfform and see what HTML
is outputted. CF just creates regular forms and uses JS functions to
call the validation.

Or just use jQuery form library for server-side validation and stop
the headaches :-)


On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Les Mizzell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any way to *force* CFFORM to use JS that *I* specify to be used
> for validation, and not the self-generated one?
> Here's the problem -
> I've got a bunch of related forms in a Spry tabbed panel set. But, each
> CFFORM tag is generating it's own JS, so if you do a view source, you've
> got the validation js repeated 10 times at the top of the page, and none
> of the validation works.
> I'm trying to find a way to include a single JS file, and get all the
> forms to reference that ONE js file and not generate multiples ...
> It's can't be one big form - each tab needs to be a separate (and
> sometimes multiple forms on one tab) form unique unto itself.

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