Best bet would be to do listToArray() with newline as the delimiter,
and then loop over the array and split each item on a tab.

Though if you've already got LOAD DATA INFILE set up, why not just set
up some REReplaces to sanitize the input file before import.  Do
things like replace sequential newlines with a single newline and


On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Rick Faircloth
> Hi, all...
> I've got a text file that I'm trying to read with cffile that has
> data structured like this:
> 96201_01.jpg    Main View
> 96202_01.jpg    Alternate View 01
> etc...
> This is a list of photos with a description of each photo.
> There is a tab between the photo filename and the description,
> then a return...chr(10)&chr(13) the end of each pair.
> I've tried several methods to get this code into an array with
> the filename as the first array element and the description as the
> second array element, but so far it's not working.
> I read the file with this code:
> <cffile    action   = "read"
>           file     = "e:\active_photos.txt"
>           variable = "active_photos" />
> From here, I've tried listtoarray, etc., but I can't get the
> info in the text file into an array properly.
> I can use listtoarray with chr(10)&chr(13) as the delimiters,
> but that gives me each row as an element.
> I can't figure out how to use both delimiters to parse the rows and the row
> elements.
> I was using the MySQL function, "load data infile," to load the data into a 
> table,
> but some of the text files have blank lines, like the <enter> key was struck 
> a couple
> of times, and that throws an error with load data infile.
> Suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Rick

Barney Boisvert

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