>Does anyone know how to make CF provide a list of the names of Arguments in
>the order provided and without using cfargument tag?
>StructKeyList/StructKeyArray returns an arbitrary order in CF8, and a
>random order every time in CF7.
>Using Array functions on the Arguments scope results in a random order
>every time in CF7 and CF8.
>Run this code in CF to see the problem:
><cffunction name="doStuff">
>       <cfdump var="#Arguments#"/>
>       <cfdump var="#StructKeyList(Arguments)#"/>
>       <cfdump var="#StructKeyArray(Arguments)#"/>
>       <cfdump var="#ArrayToList(Arguments)#"/>
><cfset doStuff( a:'first' , b:'second' , c:'third' ) />
><cfset doStuff( z:'first' , y:'second' , x:'third' ) />
><cfset doStuff( a:'first' , b:'second' , x:'third' , y:'fourth' ) />
><cfset doStuff( b:'first' , d:'second' , f:'third' ) />

You should be able to loop through the arguments array:

<cfset a = arrayNew(1) />
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#arrayLen(arguments)#">
        <cfset arrayAppend(a, arguments[1]) />

<cfdump var="#a#" />


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