We're running a pair of CF 8 Standard Servers.  Since installing the 8.0.1 
updater, webservices have been giving me a headache.

Each server runs a different site, and they are integrated by web services.  
Some of these services return complex values, defined by CFCs with no methods, 
only data.  Not all services in the CFC return complex data, but all throw 
errors when I try to run them.

A test CFC containing a single method that simply returns "true" can be 
sucessfully consumed.

Since installing the 8.0.1 updater (v 8,0,1,195765), none of the services are 
consumed correctly.  When I call them by URL, they seem to return correct WDDX, 
but when I attempt to consume them using CFINVOKE, I get the error quoted at 
the end.

We get the same problem on development servers.

Is this a problem with JRE 1.6.0_04?  Something wiggy about returning complex 
structures?  Is there an obvious solution I'm not seeing?  Heck, I'll settle 
for an obscure answer I'm not seeing.

10. public class IntegrationLocator extends org.apache.axis.client.Service 
implements services.Integration { 
 *** Semantic Error: The checked exception "RemoteException" is not assignable 
to any exception in the throws clause of the accessible method 
"javax.xml.rpc.Call createCall() throws javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;" 
declared in type "javax.xml.rpc.Service". 10. public class IntegrationLocator 
extends org.apache.axis.client.Service implements services.Integration { 
 *** Semantic Error: The method "org.apache.axis.client.Call createCall() 
throws java.rmi.RemoteException;" with protected access cannot replace the 
accessible method "javax.xml.rpc.Call createCall() throws javax.... 
server-error: true Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 

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