Would it help if you used some sort of group membership?

For example, your SQL query would add all accounts to a domain group, or
remove accounts, as needed.  Then, you would just pull all members of
that group in one CFLDAP query.

I do something similar to this every morning.  My process determines who
is an active employee, faculty or student.

I have a SSIS job that pulls current employment information from our HR
system.  It then checks to see if each employee is a member of our
"Current Employees" domain group.  If it is not a member, it adds them.

Conversely, it also checks to see if any group members are no longer
employed.  If not, they are removed from the domain group.

The result is the domain group is competely updated every morning.
Performance is high, because group membership does not change greatly on
a daily basis.  You may add/drop a member here and there, but the entire
group is usually not completely changed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 9:31 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: LDAP Query Performance question

See, I'm doing the opposite. I'm getting a list of accounts from a SQL
database and trying to then perform a read query to get those user
accounts from AD. However, I can't find an elegant way to do that in 1
query so I'm looping over my results and doing individual queries to the
AD for each account. I'm definitely looking into this AD/SQL linking
which I had never heard of before. Thanks for the help!


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