It's very difficult to say from what you've given us. Can you supply
more code and explanation?

A couple of things though; a cfc method that invokes a method on
another cfc that invokes a method from the original cfc sounds like a
design mistake - as does the use of the application scope inside this
method (datasource and the gateway component). It looks as though
you're striving for an OO design pattern so I'm guessing these things
would be important to you.


2008/11/3 Mark Kruger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Looks to me like you need a row number in your query call.... Consider this
> code:
> local["qryItems"]["id"])
> This will always get the first row - yes? Since you are in a loop...
> Shouldn't this be just id (wich would give you
> local.qryItems['id'][currentrow]).
> I would also say that you better have a darn good reason for doing it this
> way... It's pretty confusing :)
> -Mark
> Mark A. Kruger, CFG, MCSE
> (402) 408-3733 ext 105
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Don [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 3:52 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Cf8 bug?
> Perhaps you've ran into this before. Within a cfc I'm simply looping over a
> query object and using the ID value from the query to call an external cfc
> method that eventually calls a method contained within the same CFC as the
> code below appears.
> The problem is that using dot notation or array syntax I'm getting strange
> behaviour. It seems that while I've created an array [ daNums ] that shows
> on output that the right number IS being returned and USED, that when I use
> that same ID value to retreive my object, its returning the same object for
> each iteration of the loop.
> for example the first time through it gets a value of (1) which corresponds
> to an particular object, then (2). But with the code below I am always
> getting (2)(2). Not (1)(2). Or when I use array notation I always get
> [1][1]. For some reason it seems things are not iterating properly.
> Is this because in the object creation call the method that eventually gets
> called to create the object exists within the same cfc as this code?
>                <cfquery name="local.qryItems"
> datasource="#application.datasource#">
>                        select  *
>                        from    items
>                </cfquery>
>                <cfset local.items = arrayNew(1)>
>                <cfset local.daNums = arrayNew(1)>
>                <cfloop query="local.qryItems">
> <!--- this code always returns (2)(2) --->
>                        <!---
>                        <cfset obj =
> application.cfcs.items.itemGateway.getItemObject(>
>                        <cfset arrayappend(local.daNums,>
>                        <cfset arrayappend(local.items, obj)>
>                        --->
> <!--- this code always returns (1)(1) --->
>                        <cfset arrayappend(local.daNums,>
>                        <cfset arrayappend(local.items,
> application.cfcs.items.itemGateway.getItemObject(local["qryItems"]["id"]) )>
>                </cfloop>

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