Way to go Railo!

Well, even though it's unlikely that a valid SQL query would contain a
struct for a row (can it?), inserting a struct into a query variable is

CF looks at the first record of a query variable whenever you reference
a column from it outside of a query-looping structure like with <cfloop
query=""> or <cfoutput query="">

So, in this case, when you reference myQuery.Advanced[2] you are
actually looking at the value of the key "2", from the "Advanced" column
of the FIRST row of myQuery, which has 3 keys: CITY, FIRSTNAME,

Railo looks at a query variable as a structure anyway, so when you
reference myQuery.Advanced[2], it finds the 2nd row of the query, since
it's just a regular structure, which is AS EXPECTED.

That is why this will fail in CF, but work in Railo:

<cfdump var="#myQuery["Advanced"]["2"]["1"]["lastname"]#" />

The discussion should be that Adobe CF, or CFML (the language) should be
smart enough to know that when I reference query["column"][2], that I'm
trying to get to the 2nd record's column (which is more intuitive), and
not the value of the "2" key of the 1st record's column.

- Rex

Gert Franz wrote:
> Just a side note...
> Railo returns StructCount = 2 and dumps a struct with two keys 
> containing 3 keys. I guess as expected.
> Greetings from Switzerland
> Gert Franz
> Railo Technologies GmbH
> www.railo.ch
> Join our Mailing List
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> to schrieb:
>> hi all,
>> i'm wondering if this has also happened to you (see code below)
>> myQuery.Advanced[2] in CF7 results in a struct with "Totti" & "Del Piero",
>> but in CF8 gets "Lemont"
>> what funny is that structcount result is 3 (!?!?)

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