>Ah! I think he meant the right side of the equals sign after b.
>But, if the value (right side of the =) contains 'b=' then we're in trouble
Yes, exactly, one way (theoritically) would be, have 3 segements for all 3 
lines and
find the seg2.element[2].value, but I don't know regexp...

>The OP said he didn't know in advance what the value of b would be. If he
>did, yours would work great.
>Here's my first attempt with nooooooo testing!
><cfsavecontent variable="str">a=
><cfdump var='#REMatch("b=(.*)?\r", str)#'>
>Building a database of ColdFusion errors at http://cferror.org/
>What I'd like to want to do is to replace a value from a simple text which
>looks like this:
>How do I replace the value of b when the b value is unknown?

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