I tried this recently myself without success. In my scenario, I had 2 Win2K3
standalone servers (not in a domain), so I could not give rights to a folder
on one server from the other. I tried matching up user account & passwords
that the CF Service used to login and applied the rights to the folder to be
written to, but that did not work wither. Tried both a mapped drive and UNC.
Dan O'Keefe

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 5:14 PM, patrick buch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I have a webpage that list everything in a particular folder, see code...
> <cfdirectory action="LIST" name="qCurrent"
> directory="d:\saprepository\current" sort="datelastmodified desc">
> I want to change the directory to be another server. The CF Docs show this
> but it's not working...I don't get any results using the absolute
> addressing.
> <cfdirectory directory="//" name="dirQuery"
> action="LIST">
> Any suggestions?
> Thank you in advance for your time and help.

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