
<cfset thistext = "options (direct=true, errors=999999)
load data
into table raw_i
(record_id      position(1:1) CHAR,
process_mt     position(2:3) CHAR,
process_yr     position(4:5) CHAR,
batch_no       position(6:9) CHAR,
nursery_ind    position(14:14) CHAR,
county_cd      position(15:16) CHAR,
section        position(17:18) CHAR,
township       position(19:20) CHAR,
tship_dir      position(21:21) CHAR,
range          position(22:23) CHAR,
range_dir      position(24:24) CHAR,
base_ln_mer    position(25:25) CHAR,
aer_gnd_ind    position(26:26) CHAR,
grower_id      position(27:37) CHAR,
cedts_ind      position(38:38) CHAR,
site_loc_id    position(39:46) CHAR,
acre_planted   position(47:54) CHAR,
unit_planted   position(55:55) CHAR,
applic_dt      position(56:61) CHAR,
site_code      position(62:67) CHAR,
qualify_cd     position(68:69) CHAR,
planting_seq   position(70:70) CHAR,
acre_treated   position(71:78) CHAR,
unit_treated   position(79:79) CHAR,
mfg_firmno     position(80:86) CHAR,
label_seq_no   position(87:91) CHAR,
revision_no    position(92:93) CHAR,
reg_firmno     position(94:100) CHAR,
amt_prd_used   position(101:110) CHAR,
unit_of_meas   position(111:112) CHAR,
document_no    position(113:120) CHAR,
summary_cd     position(121:124) CHAR,
file_date      position(125:144) DATE ""DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS"",
file_name      position(*) CHAR TERMINATED BY X'0A'

<cfset positions = StructNew()>

<cfloop index="thisrow" list="#thistext#" delimiters="#Chr(10)#">
    <cfif FindNoCase("position(", thisrow)>
        <cfset thisname = Replace(Trim(ListFirst(thisrow, " ")), "(", "",
        <cfset thisstart = ListLast(ListFirst(Replace(thisrow, ":MI:", "",
"ALL"), ":"), "(")>
        <cfset thisend = ListFirst(ListLast(Replace(thisrow, ":MI:", "",
"ALL"), ":"), ")")>
        <cfset positions["#thisname#"] = StructNew()>
        <cfif IsNumeric(thisstart)>
            <cfset positions["#thisname#"].start = thisstart>
        <cfif IsNumeric(thisend)>
            <cfset positions["#thisname#"].end = thisend>

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Ian Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How would some of you take this text file and parse it into a structure?
> I would like to take this text:
> options (direct=true, errors=999999)
> load data
> into table raw_i
> append
> (record_id      position(1:1) CHAR,
> process_mt     position(2:3) CHAR,
> process_yr     position(4:5) CHAR,
> batch_no       position(6:9) CHAR,
> nursery_ind    position(14:14) CHAR,
> county_cd      position(15:16) CHAR,
> section        position(17:18) CHAR,
> township       position(19:20) CHAR,
> tship_dir      position(21:21) CHAR,
> range          position(22:23) CHAR,
> range_dir      position(24:24) CHAR,
> base_ln_mer    position(25:25) CHAR,
> aer_gnd_ind    position(26:26) CHAR,
> grower_id      position(27:37) CHAR,
> cedts_ind      position(38:38) CHAR,
> site_loc_id    position(39:46) CHAR,
> acre_planted   position(47:54) CHAR,
> unit_planted   position(55:55) CHAR,
> applic_dt      position(56:61) CHAR,
> site_code      position(62:67) CHAR,
> qualify_cd     position(68:69) CHAR,
> planting_seq   position(70:70) CHAR,
> acre_treated   position(71:78) CHAR,
> unit_treated   position(79:79) CHAR,
> mfg_firmno     position(80:86) CHAR,
> label_seq_no   position(87:91) CHAR,
> revision_no    position(92:93) CHAR,
> reg_firmno     position(94:100) CHAR,
> amt_prd_used   position(101:110) CHAR,
> unit_of_meas   position(111:112) CHAR,
> document_no    position(113:120) CHAR,
> summary_cd     position(121:124) CHAR,
> file_date      position(125:144) DATE "DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS",
> file_name      position(*) CHAR TERMINATED BY X'0A'
> )
> And end up with a structure something like:
> positions.record_id.start = 1
> positions.record_id.end = 1
> positions.process_mt.start = 2
> positions.process_mt.end = 3
> ....

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