If you're interested, I've got some code for JExcelAPI that does stuff
like take a structure of queries and turns them into sheets in a
workbook, and vice versa.


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On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 8:11 PM, Craigsell wrote:
>  We currently have a CFMX7 application that uses Jakarta POI HSSF to create 
> excel spreadsheets from a query.  We initially chose POI because we wanted a 
> higher degree of control over cell formatting (currency, date, etc) than what 
> we could get in CFReport.  The problem is that POI is eating memory.  A two 
> thousand row 24 column spreadsheet which saves out at 771kb takes over 120mb 
> of memory during creation and is bringing our server down when we get 
> multiple requests.
> We were looking for alternatives to POI.  I found JExcel but I couldn't find 
> any data to see if it was better on memory usage than POI.  I suspect it 
> won't be but....   I am also contemplating creating XML spreadsheets which I 
> can send to the user zipped to compensate for the bigger size.  I've done 
> that before but I just would prefer the user to get an xls workbook rather 
> than an xml one.
> Anyone have any experience with JExcel and how it compares to POI HSSF?  Or 
> another alternative I hadn't considered?
> Thanks!

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