I realize that now. It seems wrong, but I guess it's right. :)

Justin Scott wrote:
>>> If you have page A that collects data from an user which then calls page 
>>> B which process the data which then uses <cflocation...> to page C for 
>>> the display of the results.  If the user presses the back button they 
>>> are sent back to page A bypassing page B's processing since the client 
>>> never knew that page B existed.
>  > Actually, no. It goes back to page B.
> Phillip, Ian was right, it goes back to page A.  See 
> http://www.tlson.com/pageA.cfm for a working sample.
> When the browser sees a "location" header in the response it will 
> relocate and replace the page that issued the location with the new page 
> in the history.  When the back button is used, it goes back to the 
> original referrer, not the page that issued the location header.

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