What do you see when you cfdump YourWebserviceReturnVar.get_any() ?

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 12:21 AM, Sebastian Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to consume a .NET webservice from coldfusion. When I cfinvoke
> the webservice it returns a complex object which has the get_any() method. I
> am trying to access the data but am not sure where it is located or how to
> consume the returned object.
> I have run the wsdl2java and got the following java response file code and
> been using cfdump on the methods returned to try an find where the xml data
> is contained within the object, but no luck.
> Hoping for some guidance on where the find the data, or what i should try
> for next steps.
> Thanks,
> Bas.
> /**
>  * MeetingSummaryResponseMeetingSummaryResult.java
>  *
>  * This file was auto-generated from WSDL
>  * by the Apache Axis 1.2.1 Jun 14, 2005 (09:15:57 EDT) WSDL2Java emitter.
>  */
> public class MeetingSummaryResponseMeetingSummaryResult  implements
> java.io.Serializable, org.apache.axis.encoding.AnyContentType {
>    private org.apache.axis.message.MessageElement [] _any;
>    public MeetingSummaryResponseMeetingSummaryResult() {
>    }
>    public MeetingSummaryResponseMeetingSummaryResult(
>           org.apache.axis.message.MessageElement [] _any) {
>           this._any = _any;
>    }
>    /**
>     * Gets the _any value for this
> MeetingSummaryResponseMeetingSummaryResult.
>     *
>     * @return _any
>     */
>    public org.apache.axis.message.MessageElement [] get_any() {
>        return _any;
>    }
>    /**
>     * Sets the _any value for this
> MeetingSummaryResponseMeetingSummaryResult.
>     *
>     * @param _any
>     */
>    public void set_any(org.apache.axis.message.MessageElement [] _any) {
>        this._any = _any;
>    }
>    private java.lang.Object __equalsCalc = null;
>    public synchronized boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj) {
>        if (!(obj instanceof MeetingSummaryResponseMeetingSummaryResult))
> return false;
>        MeetingSummaryResponseMeetingSummaryResult other =
> (MeetingSummaryResponseMeetingSummaryResult) obj;
>        if (obj == null) return false;
>        if (this == obj) return true;
>        if (__equalsCalc != null) {
>            return (__equalsCalc == obj);
>        }
>        __equalsCalc = obj;
>        boolean _equals;
>        _equals = true &&
>            ((this._any==null && other.get_any()==null) ||
>             (this._any!=null &&
>              java.util.Arrays.equals(this._any, other.get_any())));
>        __equalsCalc = null;
>        return _equals;
>    }
>    private boolean __hashCodeCalc = false;
>    public synchronized int hashCode() {
>        if (__hashCodeCalc) {
>            return 0;
>        }
>        __hashCodeCalc = true;
>        int _hashCode = 1;
>        if (get_any() != null) {
>            for (int i=0;
>                 i<java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(get_any());
>                 i++) {
>                java.lang.Object obj =
> java.lang.reflect.Array.get(get_any(), i);
>                if (obj != null &&
>                    !obj.getClass().isArray()) {
>                    _hashCode += obj.hashCode();
>                }
>            }
>        }
>        __hashCodeCalc = false;
>        return _hashCode;
>    }
>    // Type metadata
>    private static org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc typeDesc =
>        new
> org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc(MeetingSummaryResponseMeetingSummaryResult.class,
> true);
>    static {
>        typeDesc.setXmlType(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("
> http://direct.tab.com.au/LiveOdds/";,
> ">>MeetingSummaryResponse>MeetingSummaryResult"));
>    }
>    /**
>     * Return type metadata object
>     */
>    public static org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc getTypeDesc() {
>        return typeDesc;
>    }
>    /**
>     * Get Custom Serializer
>     */
>    public static org.apache.axis.encoding.Serializer getSerializer(
>           java.lang.String mechType,
>           java.lang.Class _javaType,
>           javax.xml.namespace.QName _xmlType) {
>        return
>          new  org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializer(
>            _javaType, _xmlType, typeDesc);
>    }
>    /**
>     * Get Custom Deserializer
>     */
>    public static org.apache.axis.encoding.Deserializer getDeserializer(
>           java.lang.String mechType,
>           java.lang.Class _javaType,
>           javax.xml.namespace.QName _xmlType) {
>        return
>          new  org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializer(
>            _javaType, _xmlType, typeDesc);
>    }
> }

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