RE: Barney,

I disagree. I find implicit boolean conversions to be cleaner and easier to
read (and are a feature of the language).

But, furthermore, the implicit boolean conversion says even more about the
statement than any comparision. If you see:

<cfif query.RecordCount>

.... this implies that there is a strict set of possible values that are
being taken into account. However, on the other hand, if you see:

 <cfif (query.RecordCount GT 0)>

.... this implies only that positive numbers are being taken into account;
but, it make's no hard statements about the rest of the possible values.
With a query, its a little obvious cause the data context has a natural
limit. But, what if there were -1 records? or -2?

Now, obviously, even if you do a implicit boolean conversion, you can still
have other sub-sets of values that have meaning; but, my point is that that
the implicit boolean conversion makes a strongER statement about the set of
meaningful values (ie: this or NOT this).

Sorry if that was incoherent - I am wicked tired.

Ben Nadel
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