Thanks, Michael, that put me on the right track.  However, I also had
to disable the anonymous user access in order for it to work as

Thanks again,


On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Dawson, Michael <> wrote:
> I forget the actual option, but it's not Basic Authentication or Digest
> Authentication.  It's the other one.  ;-)
> Turn that on and IE should, by default, send the user's credentials to
> the web server.  As mentioned in a recent, similar post, it sends the
> hash, not the password.
> However, you can assume that, by that point, the user has already been
> authenticated by the workstation.
> I don't like this method because I like to sit down at another user's
> computer and log in with my credentials.
> I'm not sure of your sysadmin's reasons, but they seem quite
> narrow-minded.  If they won't let your web app interact with the DCs, I
> bet they hate having workstations connect to the DCs, as well.  Seems
> kinda silly.
> They won't even allow LDAP access?
> mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pete Ruckelshaus []
> Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 12:17 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Possible to get NT domain user without cfntauthenticate?
> I'm building an intranet application.  Users will not necessarily be
> logged in, but there are things that I need to track; all users are
> logged into the NT domain on their computers, is it possible to get the
> username that the person is logged into their PC as?  Using
> cfntauthenticate isn't an option, the sysadmins won't allow this app to
> interface with the domain controller in any way.
> Thanks
> Pete

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