Start at the beginning by doing the upload.

Then write a function that takes the path to the file you wish to convert a
path for the newly converted file to be saved.

Just because the first example has the file name hardcoded, doesn't mean you
can't just replace it with a variable.

Don't combine the process of upload with the process of converting, do two
bits of code and then use them together.

I've been all over ffmpeg for the last few months so shout back with any
more questions. I'm no expert (have a look at FFmpeg-user for people that
know a ton about it) but I like to get stuck in :O)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sin Tec []
> Sent: 16 January 2009 17:36
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Coldfusion + FFmpeg
> I am trying to set up a kinda on the fly page for converting video to
> flash via coldfusion and ffmpeg.
> cfsearch has a cfexacute that converts the video but you have to put
> the file name in the code.
> mystery.html
> <!---       GOOD:     Use both the /c flag and the redirect 2>&1
> option---><cftry>   <!--- using a large file and a short timeout value
> --->   <cfset argString = '/c d:\bin\ffmpeg.exe -i
> "d:\bin\testInput.mpg" -g 300 -y -s 300x200 -f flv -ar 44100
> "d:\bin\testOuput14.flv" 2>&1' >   <cfexecute
> name="c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe" arguments="#argString#"
> outputFile="d:\bin\results14.log" timeout="120" />   <cfcatch>
> <cfdump var="#cfcatch#">   </cfcatch></cftry>
> ---------
> This blog has kinda the same thing but it doesnt work as well as well
> at converting as cfsearch but has it to where you can use a upload
> page.
> <form action="#[your action here]#" method="post"
> enctype="multipart/form-data">
>     <label><strong>VideoFile</strong> (best to keep under 100 meg) sad
> ... :(</label><br />
>     <input type="file" name="VideoFile" /><br />
>     <input type="Submit" />
> </form>
> <!--- uploadVideo --->
> <cffunction name="uploadVideo" hint="I place the flash file into the
> [your directory for origional video here] directroy. I then parse a
> video into flash with FFMPEG. I then put the uploaed video into the
> [your directory here] folder, and return the file name of the video."
> displayname="Upload Video" access="public" returntype="any"
> output="false">
>     <cfargument name="VideoFile" hint="I am the video being
> uploaded.<br />I am required." />
>     <cfset var VideoFileName = 0 />
>     <!--- upload the video --->
>     <cffile
>         action="upload"
>         destination = "[your directory for origional video here]"
>         nameconflict="overwrite"
>         filefield="VideoFile" />
>     <!--- convert the video with FFMPEG --->
>     <cfexecute name = "#ExpandPath('/')#ffmpeg.exe"
>         arguments = "-i [your directory here]#cffile.SERVERFILE# -s
> 400x300 -r 15 -b 1280k -ar 44100 -ab 64 -ac 2 [your directory for
> converted video here]#replace(cffile.SERVERFILE, ".", "")#.flv"
>         outputFile = "C:\"
>         timeout = "90000000">
>     </cfexecute>
>     <!--- create the file name --->
>     <cfset VideoFileName = "#replace(cffile.SERVERFILE, ".", "")#.flv"
> />
>     <cfreturn VideoFileName />
> </cffunction>
> ---
> I am trying to combine the two to get something where I can use a
> upload page and then send the file name to the database so it can be
> called later on a page.
> This is alittle over my head but am trying my best to figure it out and
> learning alot as I do it but still need somehelp. When done will save
> me a bunch of time on my vblog and not have to use Youtube or something
> like that.

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