
normally you could only receive this message when Railo is running on a
different port and you call the server over localhost directly. We had some
issues in the past because Caucho has changed the default port of the
servlet where Resin is listening from 6800 to 6802. But you should
investigate this a little more by starting the resin service like follows
and then see what errors pop up:

"C:\Program Files\Railo\httpd.exe" -Xms512M  -Xmx512M  -conf conf/resin.conf
-java_home jre -java_exe jre\bin\java

Where C:\Program Files\Railo is the folder where Railo is installed.

Then a dos box pops up that displays any errors (it's the console)

Let me know about the results.

Greetings from Switzerland
Gert Franz
Railo Technologies GmbH

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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Yves Arsenault [mailto:yves.arsena...@gmail.com] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2009 18:32
An: cf-talk
Betreff: Railo on Windows VPS + IIS

Hey there,
There was a thread on here yesterday about VPS and running Railo...

Turns out... today, I'm installing Railo on a GoDaddy VPS for a client.

Wondering if anyone has ever run across a 500 Servlet error after install?
That's what it gives me when I'm viewing :

Currently googling...


Yves Arsenault

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