We recently experienced problems along these lines (not having to do
with jQuery, but getting the charset to "stick). Notes to our team are
for UTF-8, but I suppose you could choose whatever character encoding
you need. I also found excellent information on a blog post by Ben
Nadel (link below) -- particularly discussion in the comments.

The charset must be specified in the documents header. Also the
document itself must be written in the same encoding. Having both of
these things specified correctly allows the user's browser to
automatically determine the character set to use when displaying a

The document itself must have the character set specified.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >

For XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> must be the very first thing
in the file. That means no whitespace before it, including CR, LF, or

The document must be written in UTF-8:
In ColdFusion, you must include <cfprocessingdirective
pageencoding="utf-8"> in the first 1024 bytes of each template; will
cause CF and all of CF's string functions to correctly handle
"high-ascii" characters. Further, if you are writing the file using
the ColdFusion tag CFFILE, make sure you specify the encoding with the
attribute charset="utf-8". If you are writing the file using
Dreamweaver or some other text-editor, make sure the editor is writing
the file as UTF-8.

Helpful Links
Ben Nadel's function for cleaning high-ascii characters. Most
interesting is discussion in the comments of this blog post,
particularly posts from "Eric":


>  >>it won't matter on cf5
> The problem is when using Javascript files with text encoded in iso-8859
> in it.
> If they are included in UTF-8 HTML, they become uncompatible.
> If one need to keep an application compatible for both CF 5 and CFMX, better
> stick with ISO.

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