Here are steps

1. switch your local copy to trunk (Project -> Team -> Switch)
2. Merge your working copy (trunk) with the version xx

On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Chad McCue <>wrote:

> I am confused on how to update my trunk from my working branch. Here are
> my steps below. Please let me know if I am not doing this correctly from
> the start.
> I am using subclipse and eclipse together.
> 1) I have created a repository (A)
> 2) In that repository I have created a trunk folder and branches folder.
> 3) I imported the latest version of my website that is in production
> into my trunk folder
> 4) I then created my version branch from my trunk within the branch
> folder of repository (A). So it looks like
> Repository A
>    - Branches
>        -Version1.2
>    - Trunk
>        - Site Files
> 5) I then right-clicked on Version1.2 and did a checkout to my local
> CFEclipse project 'Version1.2"
> 6) I made all my necessary changes that would be included in my new
> version. Tested it and everything is done.
> 7) I then "Commit" my changes from my working copy into my "Version1.2"
> branch.
> My question now is how do I merge my "Version1.2" branch changes back
> into the Trunk folder. This is to be done so when I create version1.3 in
> my branch folder from the trunk following the above method I get all the
> changes that would have been done in my 1.2 version.

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