I've kinda lost track of who I'm responding to...did you just
reply to this to get the topic back in the loop, Mike?  I didn't
see any comments by you below.  I assume that means you're just
re-asking the question does anyone have any experience with KickAssVPS.com.

If so, I've had about 9 months experience with them now and not a
single problem at all...not billing issues, no server downtime (that
wasn't announced...and a good thing is that when a planned upgrade
didn't go smoothly, instead of continuing to keep the system down while
they tried to work out the issue, the downgraded and got the system back
up immediately), no server problems at all.  Nice support staff.  Worked
with me to get a special configuration of services I wanted included and
some I didn't want taken out of the configuration...and adjust the price
accordingly to make it a good deal.

Check out their offerings and don't hesitate to request changes to the
"stock" configurations.  Also, they were running a 2GB Mem special for the
price of one when I got my server, which helps.  But I've never had any
slow server issues.  And except for initial software setup and
I've never even had to reboot the server!  Smooth as silk.

Can't recommend them highly enough!  I have no vested interest, just a very
satisfied customer.  I tried at least two other companies before trying
KickAssVPS.com and have never looked back.

As far as I remember, with remoting into the server:

- Win 2003 Server
- Running MySQL 5
- ColdFusion 8
- Plesk was part of the pack, but I don't allow customer access to the
  so I had it uninstalled
- MSSQL is available, but I don't use it

I can't think of anything else, but I'm completely satisfied.  Feel free to
about more specifics if you need them.


PS - and from Jochems remarks awhile back, you do just get a "slice" of a
Pentium, but that beats a "slice" of a Pentium 4!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Aushana [mailto:mi...@madwebdesigns.ca]
> Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 12:43 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: Anybody have exerience with KickAssVPS.com?
> >Rick Faircloth wrote:
> >> Hmmm... let me look at ServerPronto's site...
> >>
> >> - Intel Pentium 4, 3 GHz (as opposed to a Quad Core Pentium)
> >
> >You don't get a quad core pentium, you get a time-slice off a quad
> core
> >pentium.
> >
> >
> >> - Only 6 email support tickets per month ($15 each for extra!)
> >> - 6 reboots ($29 each for extra!)
> >
> >If either of those isn't enough, you shouldn't be running a server in
> >the first place.
> >
> >
> >> - Windows 2003 Server - $26 per month (incl with KAVPS)
> >
> >You never mentioned Windows was a requirement :)
> >
> >
> >> - MSSQL 2005 Standard - $99 per month (incl with KAVPS)
> >
> >You have sufficient diskspace and RAM to install MSSQL 2005 Express on
> >your own server. And I think the 1 GB space allotment isn't much with
> >
> >
> >> - Plesk for 100 Domains - $40 per month (incl with KAVPS)
> >
> >Why would you need this? You have the root password.
> >
> >
> >> Am I looking at this correctly?
> >
> >I find both options a bit fuzzy on the details of backup and restore.
> >
> >All our SLA's for dedicated hosting include a provision that the
> client
> >can ask us once every X months to proof that our backup procedures are
> >correct by performing a restore within the response time from the SLA.
> >Doing that is a great way to make sure your procedures are correct.
> With
> >whatever plan you choose you should probably factor in the time and
> cost
> >of a trial run of restoring just a database and the entire server.
> >
> >Jochem

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