I've got a client that's decided to try and use a .net login system 
written for one of their sites for *all* their sites, including the huge 
CF site I maintain for them.

Looking at the .net code for this thing *really* reminds me why I like 
Coldfusion so much - sheesh, 15 or so files and a couple thousand lines 
of code to log somebody in?

Anyway, it all comes down to the below if the login is successful:
Response.Cookies["mysite_loggedin"].Value = user+"|"+pass+"|"+pin;
Response.Cookies["mysite_loggedin"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(14);
HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie("mysite_loggedin");
aCookie.Value = user+"|"+pass+"|"+pin;
aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(14);

I'd like to be able to transfer those cookie values over to CF Session 
values, which thusly would have them counted as "logged in" on the CF 
Admin section of the CF site.

I'm not .net literate - but could somebody point me in the right 
direction to be able to swap the .net cookes/values for CF session 
values? Ideas?

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