What is the image type?

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 7:25 AM, Fawzi Amadu <abd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I am trying to resize images with CFIMAGE but when I process my code, I
> keep getting an error that: The images/consumer/ image format is not
> supported on this operating system.
> Initially I left the format attribute out and got the same error with a
> suggestion that I try using GetReadableImageFormats(), but this hasn't
> resolved the problem.
> How can I resolve this problem, TIA
> Here's the code:
> The error occurred in
> C:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\e-Ghana\process_simpleSearchResults.cfm: line 45
> 43 :
> 44 :     <td width="10%"><!--- creating a resized version of uploaded image
> of product. --->
> 45 : <cfimage source="images/consumer/#Cnsmr_ProductIMAGE#" action="resize"
> width="100" height="60" name="resizedImg" format= GetReadableImageFormats()>
> 46 : <cfimage source="#resizedImg#" action="writeToBrowser"><!---img
> src="images/consumer/#Cnsmr_ProductIMAGE#"---></font></td>
> 47 :     <td width="90%"><font size="+2">#Cnsmr_ProductDESCRIPTION#
> </font>&nbsp; <font size="+2"><a
> href="showProductDetail.cfm?Cnsmr_ProductID=#URLEncodedFormat(TRIM(Cnsmr_ProductID))#">#Cnsmr_ProductMODELNo#
> </font>&nbsp;</a>

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