> Ian Skinner wrote:
> > Did I get your attention? Luckily these are read-only queries, but still!
> I forgot to mention an important consideration is to somehow control and 
> mitigate query requests so that users don't tie up the database with a 
> task taking hours and hours to process.
> It is already a batch processing system, where the users do not get the 
> response immediately, but rather it is submitted to a que and then the 
> user receives an e-mail with a ftp link to the resulting output files 
> when their request is completed.  But, more and more frequently a 
> request is to large and|or complex and it ties up the que so that 
> nothing can be done until such a time as a DBA can get in there and kill 
> the process that is jamming up the system.

If CF is handling the database access you can set a timeout on the query
to prevent it from tying up the server? I honestly have never run into
this specific situation, so I don't know how well that works, but the
first thing I would test is if I could simply specify timeout="60" or
somesuch in the cfquery and have it automatically error and exit early
if the statement is taking too long. I kind of wonder too if it might
not be possible to create an AIR app to house a Flex form and then use
the Flex app to alert the user and give them their results when it's
done... Might even give you the ability to give them more feedback about
the process in the form of "Your query is number 3 in queu." and then
periodically update their position in queue. 

s. isaac dealey  ^  new epoch
 isn't it time for a change? 
     ph: 817.385.0301


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