Hello All,

I have an issue inserting date and time together into a database table from 

Right now, I am using <cfquery> to get records from a particular table, in 
which one of the field is date, and its value in the database is something like 
"2/14/2007 9:10:12 AM". I am performing insert operation into another table 
which has to insert this date field into the column of new table. I am doing 
currently as follow:

<cfquery name="getDate" datasource="" maxrows="1">
   select date_field from table

<cfif getDate.recordcount is not 0>
  <cfquery name="insertDate" datasource="">
    insert into table2 (date_field1) values (<cfqueryparam 
cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" value=#getDate.date_field#>)

The problem with this is only the date is getting inserted but not the time. 
How to format this. 

It would be great if somebody can reply, I am not sure if my messages are 
getting posted, as I posted couple of issues I had some time back, but never 
got any reply back.


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