OK...just so we are all on the same sheet of music here...I am including the
missing page template in this discussion as neither of them are working.

my directory structure:

D:\sites\cares10\online\misc\displayerror.cfm (missingPage.cfm is also
located in this directory).  Online is the web root.

I am using apache and windows for my local dev environment, but on our
actual dev server, we are using unix and iPlanet.

So in CF Admin, I created a mapping to misc called misc_error.

In the settings for the missing page template, I entered
/misc_error/missingPage.cfm and int he setting for the site wide error
template, I entered /misc_error/displayerror.cfm

now if I try to call a page that doesn't exist, I still get the standard cf
page...same with any other attempt to trigger an error.  Is there sonmething
that i am missing?  Do I have to md the webserver config for this to work as
well?  We are currently using try catch blocks to hadle errors grqacefully
and sending them to a default error page.  We would liket o do this in a bit
more of a global manner so that when we are in dev we have an easier way fo
shutting this off instead of commenting out try blocks.  Any help in
resolviong this will be greatly appreciated.


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