+2 for DTS/SSIS

Case in point. Back in the CF 5 (or 6) days I tried to import a 20+ meg MLS
xml file into SQL server using CF (Yeah I know... I had no idea at the
time). The first run just about killed my dev server. After 30-60 seconds
the task manager showed that the machine was using 750 megs ram (It had 512
installed). After several tries with PHP and (I think) VB script I ended up
writing a little DTS using ActiveX and it went from 10 min to a "blip" on
the task manager. It took like 5 seconds. That left a very lasting
impression on me.


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 12:17 PM, C S <cfsearch...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> >My advice would be don't use CF to do this. DTS (or SSIS) is quite capable
> >of doing this in about 1/30 the time that CF is able to do this. One of
> our
> >DTS packages consumes a file of over 300k rows in less than 15 seconds
> every
> >few minutes. You can't get that with CF no matter how hard you try :)
> +1
> Using dts/ssis, or even your basic bulk insert query, would certainly be
> faster than looping via cf.

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