It's been a long time since I've seen that, but I believe the 1899
timestamps are interpretation of a NULL timestamp by CF (from SQL
Server data).


> I have no idea where those 1899 timestamps are coming from.

>>> We have a scheduled task that is fairly critical (it helps generate
>>> significant revenue for our company), so we get alerts if it hasn't
>>> run within a certain time frame.  However, we had the job stop
>>> yesterday and the scheduler log reports: "Interrupt task <job name>
>>> scheduled at {ts '2009-04-09 00:00:00'} {ts '1899-12-30 00:00:00'}
>>> null {ts '1899-12-30 23:59:00'}" [where I replaced the job name --
>>> those 1899 time stamps are actually in the log].  I haven't been able
>>> to find a reference to this, either on the web or on Adobe's site.
>>> Has anyone encountered this issue before (or know what it means)?
>>> This process is running on ColdFusion 8 Enterprise on IIS (Windows 200

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