@Shannon Peevey:  yes i know its off topic  but i didnt want to waste
time joining a windows or a ubuntu list hoping to get a rational
objective response.  And nearly all the people here have the same
kinds of issues as i do  - the OS isnt the be-all and end-all its only
a side-issue on the main game which is web development.

@Peter Boughton :  thanks    my issue really was that i have a big
investment in terms of time and money and existing code in my
WindowsXP systems - i was hoping to be able to phase over from
Windows, but reading into your comments,  I doubt that's going to be
the way it will happen.  By the looks of it, I'm going to have to bite
the bullet and go all the way over to Ubuntu in one go,  or else stay
with WindowsXP.    For example i run a radio show and a radio station
library from Windows,  using some windows apps,   and i dont want them
down at all.   So it looks like i'm going to have to think carefully
before moving to another O/S.

Thanks for your help.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:59 PM, Shannon Peevey<spee...@stolaf.edu> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> This is off-topic for this mailing list.  You can contact me off-list if you
> like.  I have run both, plus have some insight into the multimedia packages
> on GNU/Linux.
> thanks,
> speeves
> On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 7:22 AM, Mike Kear <afpwebwo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm rebuilding a system and thought i might have a look at Ubuntu
>> instead of just reloading WinXPPro again  ..
>> I see in the Ubuntu site lots of talk about open source versions of
>> Office apps,  browsers etc  but no mention of compatibility (or
>> otherwise) with Windows apps.        are all those other apps at all
>> compatible or do you need to find Linux/Ubuntu versions of everything?
>> I can see that there are office,  browser, media player equivalents
>> etc  but the kinds of apps i'm thinking about are sound apps (i run
>> and edit radio shows from this machine),  IDE things like Photoshop,
>> Dreamweaver,  Fireworks, Flash, Audition  and all those other little
>> apps that just seem to accumulate here and there.
>> Generally speaking,  do you have to locate equivalent Linux/Ubuntu
>> apps or do the existing WInXPPro versions generally work  under
>> Ubuntu?
>> --
>> Cheers
>> Mike Kear
>> Windsor, NSW, Australia
>> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
>> AFP Webworks
>> http://afpwebworks.com
>> ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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