There's a lot of different browsers you can use on a mac, might need  
more information than that.  I use Safari and Firefox, and regularly  
upload using cffile with no problems.

On Jun 20, 2009, at 1:13 PM, ColdFusion Developer wrote:

> I have a file upload application that uses cffile. It's used  
> primarily to upload photos to the server.
> One client who is using a Mac with OSX consistently has issues  
> uploading photos of any size (the tests she sent me are around 3MB).  
> Cffile just craps out and none of the cffile variables are set, nor  
> is the photo uploaded to the server.
> I can upload the same photo(s) just fine with a Windows machine. She  
> has tried various wireless and wired internet connections, as have  
> I, with the same results.
> Are there any known issues uploading files from a Mac w/ cffile? Has  
> anyone else run across this before?
> Thanks in advance!

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