Anastassios Hadjicrystallis wrote:
> Am I wrong?
> If I am not any other idea without cfcontent ?

<cfcontent....> can server up any type of web content including image 
files.  You would just put the name of the cfm template that contains 
the <cfontent....> tag into the <img href="..."> property.  Then the 
<cfcontent...> tag would server up the image file from the secure 
location with the proper image mine type.

There is some overhead to this, but it does work.

But as I mentioned on the Adobe forum.  If you are so concerned about 
all HTTP traffic, securing it with the HTTP web server (i.e. Apache or 
IIS) may be the better solution rather then the Application server (i.e. 
ColdFusion).  Assuming you have control of your web server so that you 
can make the necessary configuration.

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