>I was actually kidding. But as for me, no, I use Adobe ColdFusion

>I actually had a bunch of apps that made extensive use of Ext,
well, I had some trouble getting complete data for auto suggest back from Ext 
2.x with railo and I think the issue does not seem to be on railo end, someone 
at the Ext
forum suggested a tiny bug and he/she seemed more interested in hiring it as a 
consultant but I'd prefer to get this little thing done and move on.  I 
consider the business case is pretty basic, may I enlist some help just for 

No, I'm considering jQuery at this point for I'm getting to know Ext a little 
bit and its window class for cutomization is mostly working for me already.


>but have recently migrated them all to jQuery which I now also use
>On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 2:36 PM, D

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