Particularly related to ColdFusion.  I understand open source software is not 
free software.  So, to get "everything" working one has to pay something if 
he/she does not have the time or expertise to dig everything... and that seems 
fair, but if someone is asking about thousand or thousands of dollars upfront, 
I don't think that's a productive way of moving forward...  Also, you may hear 
something like this, this key person is on vacation and will be back in like 
two weeks or you need patience, in the business world, every day counts (you 
snooze you lose).  This ranting is for the benefit of whose who are considering 
switch from Adobe ColdFusion to other options.  I'm not suggesting not to make 
the switch but think twice or better talk to the key person of the product you 
intend to switch to and possibly strike a deal or at least obtain his/her 
support first otherwise your conversion/switch would be at the mercy of others. 

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