Here's a situation I hope you could provide some thoughtful input.  I've 
converted a cf8-based app into an open source one.  Initially it seemed all's 
well but lately, right when I'm ready to deploy it (not to be hosted like many 
do), some core functionality like automatically data saving, normal data saving 
are no longer reliable, let me explain.  I have a form for data entry with 
multiple fields.  Function 1: auto save the data elements at an interval, 
thanks again Sam.  This feature does not seem to be consistently reliably on 
the new platform but this function is less critical.  Function 2: manually save 
the form, this one now is a MAJOR PROBLEM! the form data is saved/updated all 
right, BUT it deleted 2 or 3 most recent rows of the data table (all with data 
of required columns)!  The query does not delete anything.  Would other scripts 
delete them?  No, here's why.  Here's the basic structure of this table:
id -- title -- content
27 -- 'agri' -- 'one phase of humanity'
28 -- 'indu' -- 'mass production'
-- newest entry
29 -- 'new here' -- 'bla bla'
-- where id is of identity (1,1) not null
Upon clicking on save, rows of id(27 and 28) would be mysteriously gone.  I've 
checked the table does not have any triggers whatsoever, and the machine is 
totally offline.

On some other instances, the newest value and id would replace the second 
newest one,
like upon SAVE, the above would read
27 -- 'agri' -- 'one phase of humanity'
-- newest entry
28 -- 'new here' -- 'bla bla'

Also, please note there's only ONE user.

If it's coding problem, somewhere there's some code like
DELETE from theTABLE where Len(title) > 0
or something like that
but there's absolutely not code across board like that, 
absolutely not.  So, how did they disappear?

FYI, I've also provided the open source company a copy of compiled code set (to 
them it's no different from source code) upon their request in hope of 
obtaining an flexible installer of their engine, which didn't happen.  Also, I 
don't mind paying 400 or 500 bucks for service of making my app deployable but 
unlike the online web apps I don't need a full year service... but please do 
not read too much into this...
I'm just laying out facts.

Also, I've been using the app for over a year without any of the above 
mentioned problem.  Now, it's extremely unlikely for cf coding issue regarding 
to this problem, so, who has the motivation and capability to cause this 
I'm at wits end if any... 

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