I have an application that, after 20 mins of idle (detected by JS), the user is 
given a warning saying they are about to be logged out with a link to keep the 
session going.  My original plan was to sent an AJAX request to a page when the 
link is clicked, but I have read that an AJAX request will not keep the session 
alive.  Redirecting off the page is out of the question.

While I was googling I found that in .NET you can actually reset the 
under-the-hood session timeout timer.  I was wondering if there is anything 
like this in CF, or if what I read was wrong and you actually can keep the 
session alive with an AJAX request.

Another thought I had was to do the AJAX request to a page that would perform a 
CFHTTP internally as well.

Maybe someone has some first hand experience they can lend me.  Oh, and I am 
using CF8 on Windows 2008 Server.


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