I am looking at the one-to-one relationship, unique foreign key mapping
example in the ColdFusion 9 ORM documentation ..




. and I am wondering why the Empolyee.cfc has the primary key defined as
EmployeeID whereas the OfficeCubicle.cfc has the primary key defined as id?
In most of the other examples, the primary key is just named 'id', so is
there something special here that requires the Employee object to have the
PK as EmployeeID instead?


I have a similar setup defined in a project I am working on, but both
objects have their PK named 'id' and I am getting an error that there is a
"Repeated column in mapping for entity: Response column: id (should be
mapped with insert="false" update="false")".


<cfcomponent displayname="Response" output="false" persistent="true"


      hint="A response to a survey" >


      <cfproperty name="id" type="numeric" fieldtype="id" ormtype="integer"
generator="native" setter="false" notnull="true" 

            hint="I am the unique identifier for the Response" />


      <cfproperty name="prize" fieldtype="one-to-one" cfc=" Prize"

            hint="I am the Prize which was (optionally) awarded for this
Response" />



<cfcomponent displayname="Prize" output="false" persistent="true"

      hint="A conference Prize to be awarded to a participant" >


      <cfproperty name="id" type="numeric" fieldtype="id" ormtype="integer"
generator="native" setter="false" notnull="true" 

            hint="I am the unique identifier for the Prize" />


      <cfproperty name="winningResponse" fieldtype="one-to-one" cfc="
Response" mappedBy="prize"

            hint="I am the winning response associated with this prize if it
has been awarded" />


Any ideas?



-- Jeff

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