Well I came up with one way.

|<!--- loop over and create master list of unique values by creating a temp 
structure --->
<cfset masterList = structNew()>
<cfloop collection="#positions#" item="type">
    <cfloop list="#structKeyList(positions[type])#" index="item">
      <cfset masterList[item] = "">

<!--- extract master list --->
<cfset masterList = listSort(structKeyList(masterList),"textNoCase")>

<table border="1">
  <cfloop list="#listSort(structKeyList(positions),'textNoCase')#" index="type">
<!--- loop over master list to display table of all elements ---->
<cfloop list="#masterList#" index="key">
  <!--- loop over each of the contributint lists --->
  <cfloop collection="#positions#" item="type">
      <!--- if the current list has the current item, display item --->
      <td><cfif structKeyExists(positions[type],key)>#key#</cfif></td>

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