>Probably 10 ways to do this.  Here's one:
>   1. read in the csv file with cffile:
>   http://livedocs.adobe.com/coldfusion/8/htmldocs/Tags_f_07.html#3545217
>   2. use this to make it into a query: http://cflib.org/udf/CSVToQuery
>   3. use this to dump the query as a table:
>   http://cflib.org/udf/queryToTableDump
>On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 8:00 AM, vidya yegnaraman <viduka...@gmail.com>wrote:
Thanks for the above links. 
But, I don't want to use the cfsavecontent,since there is huge amount of data 
and I run out of memory. What am trying to do now is do a cffile read of the 
csv file, loop through the rows, open a cffile write to create the file and 
then use a cffile append. But am facing some issues when I read the file and 
write the data as a html.
I am using the following for looping and delimiters. Please suggest me what I 
can use as a delimiter since there are commas in the data.
<cfloop index="i" list="#csvfile#" delimiters="#chr(10)##chr(13)#"> 
When I write the list it doesn't show the data properly.
It would be great if you have a code sample where in it reads a csv file, loops 
thru the records and write a html file. There are 5 columns in the csv file.


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