Agha Mehdi wrote:
> Why not just
> <cfoutput query="" group="name">
>      <b>#name#</b><br>
>          <cfoutput>
>                  #area_name#, #office_name#<br>
>          </cfoutput>
> </cfoutput>

I could - but it's way more complicated than that...

This single query (example was simplified) is responsible for a number 
of pages...

Case A: multiple results based on search params
Case B: a single employee, along with their areas and offices

My thinking - if I can get it correct in the query, then that's less 
data that has to be returned, sorted, whatever and thusly saves a few 
CPU cycles. Why return five copies of basically the same record if 
that's not needed, right?

But, the cfoutput with a group does work. I just don't think it's the 
most efficient way of doing it.

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