>>(c) What the hell are they doing?

Some will search for copyrighted images and, if they find some, they 
will send you some lawyer letter
with a bill of 1500$ or so for using their image. (ie: Getty images,...)
Most of them are simply looking for email addresses they could collect 
and sell to spamers.

 >>The current offending IP reverses to China.

 From China, it could also be gouvernement spider check if your site is 
promoting human rights,
and if yes, I've got bad new, your site will be BANNED form china ! ;-)
PLUS email fetchers, of course.

 >>o Add a session variable that stores the last page view time down to 
the second.  However, this may not work as the offending behavior is 
probably generated by a bot or desktop app that doesn't store session 

Exact. Better store the IP address in an application (or even a server 
variable) and calculate a moving average of time between requests to pages.
If the average gets lower than a certain minimum, ban the IP address for 
at least a couple or hours.
The bot will be discaouraged.

 >>o Review my databased logs for the current IP's last twenty page 
views.  This may put an extra small hit on the server, but over all not 
as much as an extra 2200 page views in an hour every couple of weeks.

This can be a pretty heavy task for the server. Log files are pretty big 

 >>If the requesting IP has requested more than twenty pages from the 
website in the current minute, I block the IP for a period of time, say, 
an hour or two.

This is what I do, but I use a moving average in a server variable. Much 
more efficient than reading log files. ie:
=server.structPass[REMOTE_ADDR].durpass*6/7 + thisLaps;
In thisLaps I have the nb of seconds between last and current request. 
The formula gives a moving average
over 7 consecutive requests. If this average goes below a certain 
amount, there are chances the agent is a bot.

I use this test among others to detect bad bots.

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