

Ok, this is a little pet peeve of mine.  We have session timeout set and
we tell users that they have to do something within so much time.


Problem is the users ignore that.  They open a page with a form, leave
it open for an hour, then when they submit the form Session is invalid
error.  They see a nicely formatted An Error has occurred page, but I
get an email for each one.


Any ideas (besides changing the timeout) of what I might do to prevent


I have toyed with the idea of locking the form and putting up a message
saying that they timed out. Then they would have to close the
window/tab. Even if they hit refresh it would generate a new session, so
no error.  I'm just not sure of the best way to go about that.  Also,
anything I'd try to figure out should be able to just be cfincluded or
done in Application.cfm/cfc so that I don't have to go through hundreds
of files to solve this one.





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