So I've finally started a CFX_POP3 replacement project and I'm open sourcing 
the thing too :-)

At the moment it has functions that can extend the POP functionality in CFPOP 
to match that of CFX_POP3 and I've added some extra functions too.

There are features that are missing from POPCFC that are in CFX_POP3 such as 
the SPAM filtering Bayesian analysis functions but the main POP processing 
functions that are missing from CFPOP are in there such as...

- hasMail() returns a Boolean if the mailbox has mail.
- getMessageCount() returns the number of mails in the mailbox.
- getUIDList() returns an array of UID values for the messages in the mailbox.
- getMessagesAfterUID() returns all messages (up to maxrows) that have been 
received since the message specified by the UID passed in.

Performance wise, these functions are as fast or faster than CFX_POP3.

You can use the CFC as follows:

<!--- normal usage --->
<cfset popAccount = createObject("component", "pop).init(myserver, myusername, 
<cfif popAccount.hasMail()>
        <cfset messages = popAccount.getMessages()>

        <cfdump var="#messages#">

- OR -

<!--- SSL usage --->
<cfset popAccount = createObject("component", "pop).init(myserver, myusername, 
<cfset popAccount.setProperty("UseSSL", true)>
<cfif popAccount.hasMail()>
        <cfset messages = popAccount.getMessages()>

        <cfdump var="#messages#">

Hope you like it! If anyone finds any problems with it, be sure to let me know 


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